Flavor Reimagined
WellVine™ real food prebiotic ingredient bridges the gap between sustainability and taste. Not only does WellVine™ have its own unique flavor profile, but it also enhances the flavors when combined with other foods.

Patented Taste
WellVine makes other foods taste better
Granted U.S. Patent for improving the taste of Dark Chocolate
Enhances flavor and reduces bitterness

Mildly sweet with a pleasant velvety astringency

Tartness from organic acids and aldehydes

Astringency from phenolics and glycosides
Unlocking the Symphony of Flavor
Ralph Jerome began his talk by demystifying flavor, breaking it down into three essential components: aroma, taste, and chemosensory stimuli. These elements, when orchestrated harmoniously, create the symphony of flavors that dance on our taste buds.
Chardonnay, with its slow-ripening process, develops a distinctive flavor profile that captivates wine enthusiasts worldwide. From the aroma that wafts through the air to the complex taste that evolves on the palate, the slow-ripened coastal Chardonnay grapes embody a sensory experience unlike any other.

Flavor Chemistry Research

Contribution of Key Odorants from Skins, Seeds, and Stems to the Aroma of Chardonnay Marc: A Valuable Coproduct of the Wine Industry
Date :
October 12, 2023
Authors :
Sarah Warner, Danielle M. Trudelle, Thien H.Nguyen, and John P. Munafo Jr.
Journal :
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Full Study :

Characterization of Key Odorants in Chardonnay Seeds
Date :
December 13, 2022
Authors :
Sarah Warner and John P. Munafo Jr.
Journal :
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Full Study :

Characterization of Odorants in Chardonnay Marc Skins
Date :
October 8, 2021
Authors :
Melissa Dein, Andrew Moore, Casey Ricketts,Chelsea Huynh, and John P. Munafo Jr
Journal :
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Full Study :